
CyberNet's range of data and IaaS products are uniquely crafted to address the low latency and high capacity needs of the companies within the entertainment industry, enabling them to meet the demands of fast-moving and rapidly scaling projects. With our flexible networks, we eliminate all obstacles faced by the entertainment industry.

Network Challenges in the Entertainment Industry

In the competitive entertainment landscape, companies need agility in project handling and market adaptation. Content creation's high stakes demand scalable, robust, and secure networks. CyberNet meets these needs:

Efficient project servicing is crucial, including providing high-quality network services to remote locations for shoots and events.

Network must scale seamlessly for team expansions, data needs, and collaborations without compromising performance or security.

 CyberNet ensures advanced security to protect intellectual property from data breaches.

CyberNet's entertainment technology solutions:

At CyberNet, we specialize in providing tailored solutions for the entertainment industry, including:

Our cloud services offer highly scalable and secure storage accessible from anywhere, ideal for editing and storing vast amounts of data. Additionally, our infrastructure supports cloud computing needs.

 Benefit from our high-capacity and flexible dark fiber connections, enabling seamless transmission of large bandwidth for your data needs. As a dark fiber provider, we ensure reliable connectivity.

High-Capacity Internet Access

Access our high-capacity internet network for efficient content delivery and access, supporting smooth content upload and download activities. Our internet circuits are designed to meet your business needs, whether big or small.

CyberNet: 25 Years of Custom Entertainment Networks

CyberNet has dedicated 25 years to crafting custom networks for entertainment firms, addressing media and entertainment IT requirements. These networks are built on a nationwide fiber infrastructure capable of delivering speeds up to 100 Gbps. By integrating our cloud solution into our fiber network, we offer secure cloud services with integrated private networking, ensuring top-notch performance and reliability for our clients.

Meet the Speed of Entertainment: CyberNet's High Capacity Content Distribution Backbone

Dark Fiber

Entertainment firms often require private networks to transfer video content across various locations securely. CyberNet's entertainment technology solutions engender such companies to implement metro video transport networks, maintaining proprietary control and avoiding public networks' security vulnerabilities.

CyberNet's cloud services provide scalable and secure storage solutions that cater to the demands of storing and editing immense volumes of digital content. Filmmakers and editors gain the ability to collaborate in real-time, thanks to CyberNet's cloud infrastructure that can support intensive cloud computing and content rendering needs.

For production houses and streaming platforms, the ability to swiftly upload and download high-definition content is paramount. CyberNet's DIA ensures that companies can leverage a robust dark fiber backbone with up to 100 Gbps capacity to manage their vast media libraries, ensuring efficient content distribution across various platforms.


Dark Fiber is unused optical fiber that has been laid but is not being used. CyberNet Communications provides dark fiber circuits scalable to 100 Gig, connected to all major Points of Presence (PoPs), and utilizing our dense long haul and metro fiber networks throughout North America for high capacity connectivity needs.

Definitely. The scalability of our Dark Fiber circuits ensures that whether you are coordinating collaborations or handling heavy data transfer during post-production, you have the bandwidth to handle those tasks efficiently.

Security is paramount in our offerings. We provide Geo-Redundant Clusters that promise industry-leading uptime and cost-effective private computing to safeguard your intellectual property from end to end.

Absolutely. CyberNet is focused on creating "Decade Proof" infrastructure, meaning we design our solutions to be relevant and scalable for years to come. Our infrastructure supports seamless scaling to accommodate team expansions and increasing data needs.

CyberNet Communications utilizes a vast data network that spans over 150,000 on-net buildings and 700 cell towers, ensuring you have high-quality network services no matter where your projects take you.

With 25 years of expertise in building bespoke network solutions, we offer high-speed, high-bandwidth, and low-latency connectivity essential for the technological demands of today's entertainment companies.